Panel Discussions


Guest Speaker



Tida Beattie

Soyeon Davis

Topic: Cultural Bereavement













identity ~ language ~ home ~ food ~ history ~ dreams ~

  • What cultural bereavement is for people who have migration and assimilation experiences such as immigrants and refugees.

  • How cultural bereavement presents and shows up in peoples’ lives 

  • The impact of cultural bereavement

Topic: Grief

cognitive ~ physical ~ spiritual ~ social ~ emotional

cognitive ~ physical ~ spiritual ~ social ~ emotional

  • A natural & individual reaction to loss.

  • A wholistic human experience.

  • Approach to grief.

  • "MESO Community's presentation for our didactic meeting this fall was incredibly apt timing: our clinical interns and associates are seeing older adults and people grieving loss in their time here. However, we're all providing care during a time of collective grief from profound global violence and trauma and continued impact from COVID. Tida & Soyeon's perspective dovetails with our collaborative systems approach and commitment to deepening our racial lens. We, as participants, felt seen, validated in our personal and professional experience, and better prepared to talk about the symbolic non-finite loss of cultural bereavement with our community of staff, callers, and clients. I'm deeply grateful for the shared ritual, culturally-attuned learning, and human connection with MESO Community."

    ~Michelle Macarai, LCSW, Crisis Support Services of Alameda County

  • "I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your outstanding presentation at Doulapalooza. Your expertise and insights were an invaluable addition to the event, and the attendees couldn't stop raving about the impact of your session". 

    ~ Ashley Johnson, National End-of-Life Doula Alliance President

  • "Tida and Soyeon helped us explore how loss and grief continuously show up in our lives, how this shapes us and our connections, and how we can resource ourselves when loss emerges. It was a powerful session and reminded me of the importance of creating these spaces and having skilled facilitators such as Tida and Soyeon to guide the conversation".

    ~ Lisette Ostrander, Ph.D. - Director of Education Programs, Beyond Differences

  • "Tida and Soyeon's empathetic and compassionate approach truly sets them apart. They have demonstrated an exceptional ability to hold space and create a safe container for participants to navigate the challenging journey of processing grief. Tida and Soyeon blend professionalism with genuine care, creating an atmosphere for participants to explore their experiences in a supportive community. Their unique combination of expertise, compassion, and authenticity makes them outstanding guides in the challenging terrain of healing."

    - Asian Psychedelic Collective

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